If your pet needs some meds, the question that might come to mind is – how?! Some pets have no problems taking oral medications, while others might be a little more reluctant. Or, just completely refuse.
Medicine doesn’t always smell or taste good, even to humans....
If you’ve welcomed a new puppy, it’s probably sinking in how cute, cuddly, and oh so energetic they truly are. Even if it’s not your first time, it’s easy to forget just how much bounce a baby can have – right before they suddenly fall...
Moving houses with your pet? Moving can be a stressful time, and your pets can also feel stressed right along with you. If it’s time for a change, make sure you include your furry friend on the list of things to consider as you move....
Many people see cats as a lower maintenance pet, but they still need plenty of care to give them the best mental and physical health. Cats need to stay active and keep their brains busy, and they need their humans to help. If you’ve got...
There’s nothing cuter than a pet with a great sense of style - but does your dog need a coat? Dog clothes are easily available and come in many different kinds, but should you invest? Here are some reasons you might want to get your...
Cane toads are an introduced species in Queensland, which have quickly become commonplace in the average Queensland back yard. Unfortunately, that’s not great news for your pets – many curious cats and dogs have ended up seriously affected by cane toad poisoning.
Let’s look at why cane...
Free-feeding or feeding on a schedule? Many pet owners are not sure about how often to feed their pet, how much, and how often. And it can be a tricky subject – different animals have diverse requirements, so you will need to base your choices...
Kittens are cute, but unwanted kittens can be a bit of a problem. Not only that, but cats that have been desexed are more likely to avoid some common health and behavioural issues. De-sexing your cat is a relatively simple procedure that can help keep...
Posted at 10:57h
Pet Care Tips
by mywork
Your pet’s upset stomach is unpleasant for everyone involved. They feel unwell, you’re potentially left with a mess – so it’s understandable that anything you can do to shorten the illness and make them feel more comfortable is worth trying.
Here are some common reasons your...
Winter isn’t quite here yet, but it’s starting to cool down. That means it’s time to start thinking about some winter warming tips to keep your pet toasty warm through the colder months. All pets need some extra care around this time to keep them...