28 May Bringing a kitten home for the first time? Here’s what to know.
Welcoming a kitten into your home for the very first time? Congratulations.
Your home life is about to get a whole lot cuddlier, a whole lot furrier, and a whole lot more mischievous.
During our tenure as one of Southside Brisbane’s longest serving catteries, we have had the pleasure of meeting hundreds of brand new pet parents.
Over the years, we’ve also welcomed a select few, extra special furry friends, into our own family.
So, you could say we know a thing or two about the dos and don’ts of introducing a new kitten into your household.
To help your kitten settle in seamlessly at home, follow these handy tips:
#1 Have all the basics ready to go
Before your kitten arrives at your house, make sure you have all the essentials ready to go.
This means: food and water bowls, a litter tray, a cosy sleeping place, some cat-friendly toys and an understanding of the right type and portion size of food.
It’s important to place your kitten’s litter tray far away from their eating area and ensure you’ve spoken with your vet about the recommended food and portion size for your cat.
If your kitten hasn’t eaten within the first 24 hours of being in their new home, don’t fret.
The RSPCA affirms that it isn’t uncommon for cats to avoid eating when they first enter a new environment. So unless your kitten has avoided food for a prolonged period, don’t fret.
#2 Be sure that risky items out of paws’ reach
Cats are famously curious creatures, and while it’s something we love about them, it can also land them in some very sticky situations.
To avoid an emergency vet visit, the RSPCA advises packing away the following:
Vaseline, batteries, any small items your kitten could choke on, medications, detergents, household cleaners and bleach, fertilizers and tea tree oil.
#3 Set up a ‘safe room’ to help your kitten settle in
For the first few days of your kitten’s arrival, set up a private room for them – away from the general household hustle and bustle. If you have children, consider keeping kitten secure and separate in their safe room for at least a couple of days.
While the little ones are likely to be buzzing with excitement to meet the new kitten, it can be overwhelming and stressful for kitty if there’s too many new elements to take in at once.
#4 Have a confinement plan to keep your furry friend safe
After your cat has spent a few weeks exploring your house, it’s time to start thinking about the long-term for your cat’s roaming areas. Our Southside Brisbane cattery supports the RSPCA’s suggestion that cats should be housed indoors, with an optional secure outdoor enclosure.
Why? Keeping your cat safe indoors significantly lowers the risk of traffic incidents, snake and insect bites and altercations with other pets.
According to research, cats are also responsible for an estimated 230m deaths of native animals per year. Even if your cat is non-aggressive, roaming free is simply not worth the risks, for them or our precious native animals.
#5 Keep your kitten’s health up to date
It’s likely that your kitten has already had their first set of vaccinations and been desexed, prior to their adoption.
However, it doesn’t stop there. To keep your feline friend healthy long into the future, it’s important to stay on top of vaccinations, boosters, tick flea and worming prevention.
Talk to your vet about the different avenues for tick, flea and worming prevention.
Our advice? Whichever method for parasite prevention you choose, you will need to administer medication ongoing. To make sure your pet is fully protected, mark up your calendar with reminders for prevention top-ups.
Remember, while welcoming a new pet into your home can feel daunting, it’s important to remember that by following a few easy steps, you can easily create a happy home environment for you and your furry friend.
For more handy tips on caring for your cat, head over to the Castelan blog.
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