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Opening Hours
MON–SAT: 7AM - 10AM | 3PM - 5PM
We are closed for arrivals or departures
on the following days: Good Friday,
Christmas and New Year.
Going away for the holiday season and don’t know where to leave your pet? Look no further than Castelan’s luxury dog boarding near Capalaba. We understand leaving your dog behind could be a difficult decision, but when you have to, be sure to leave them with someone you can trust!
Castelan is one of the longest standing pet boarding accommodations in Brisbane whose owners, Helen and Lance Young, have been in the industry for more than 42 years. Always striving to deliver the highest standard of boarding accommodation, our kennels are specially designed for maximum comfort and plenty of room to move. Our kennels give your dog ample space to run, indoors and outdoors. At Castelan, all dogs are pampered with mechanical fan ventilation, piped music and raised beds in their sleeping areas to maintain optimum comfort at all times. Grooming and wash areas are also available for use. When you entrust your dog with our luxury dog boarding near Capalaba, you can be assured that your dog will receive the best care, attention and love possible.
If you are looking for quality care for your pooch while you are away, Castelan’s luxury dog boarding near Capalaba is your number one choice. To learn more about our services, contact us today on (07) 3390 1132 or at [email protected].